OMAM characters
- Created by: Ollietamilia
- Created on: 29-03-21 12:45
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- Characters continued ..
- Slim
- Slim is the most respected man on the ranch. Everyone looks up to him.
- Theme - Women
- Slim isn't intimidated by Curley's wife. He gives her the attention she's so desperate for by commenting on her appearance. This also shows that he's not afraid of Curley.
- Theme - Prejudice
- Slim is the first character to Crooks by hid name instead of "******" or "stable buck". He treats him with more respect than the other characters do
- Slim is ...
- Respected: "his word was taken on any subject"
- Mysterious: "understanding beyond thought
- Godlike: "calm, Godlike eyes".
- Slim is practical and wise, but he's also got a sympathetic side - he understands why George is so upset about Lennie
- Crooks
- Theme - Loneliness
- Crooks hides his loneliness by being proud and aloof. He tries to show that it doesn't affect him, but Steinbeck makes it clear to the reader that it does.
- Theme - Prejudice
- Steinbeck is showing how black people are usually treated in American in the 1930s because he is the only black man.
- Crooks is ...
- Proud: "a proud, aloof man"
- Cynical: "Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets non land."
- Vulnerable: "I could get you strung up on a tree so easily it ain't even funny."
- Crooks is a crippled man who's picked on because he's black. He's very bitter about life.
- Theme - Loneliness
- Candy
- Candy is ...
- Old: "lously ol' sheep"
- Weak: "When they can me here I wisht somebody'd shoot me."
- One-handed: "I ain't much good with on'y one hand"
- Theme - Prejudice
- Candy suffers prejudice because of his age and his disability
- Theme - Destiny
- Candy's an example of depressing destiny that all the other, younger ranch hands face.
- Crooks is an old, one-handed rancher who sweeps the bunk house. He has an old, smelly dog.
- Candy is ...
- Carlson and Whit
- Carlson is ...
- Aggresive: "You come for me, an' I'll kick your God damn head off
- Insensitive: "Now, what the hell ya suppose is eating' them two guys?"
- Whit is ...
- Young: "A young labouring man".
- Fun-loving: "Well, a guy got to have some sun sometime".
- Theme - Destiny
- Whit represents what George could become without Lennie and their dream Fram
- Carlson is ...
- Slim
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