Odyssey Characters
- Created by: Hannah Jeffery
- Created on: 09-01-14 15:03
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- Odyssey Characters
- Odysseus
- Cunning/ Resourceful - Master of strategems
- Wants to get home to Ithaca, NOT Penelope - Nostos
- Selfish
- Good King - Respected by slaves who served under him
- In search of his Kleos
- Strong warrior/archer
- Loyal - Only unfaithful with divinities
- Patient and much enduring
- Emotional - Typical of a Greek hero
- Proud/Arrogant
- Penelope
- Sensible - Not driven by emotion. Unlike Clytaemnestra
- Maternal - Great fears for Telemachus' safety. Obeys him as he grows as a leader
- Pious
- Emotional - Suffering but remains proud in public. Cries/has nightmares at night
- Cunning/Intelligent - Follows in her husband's footsteps
- Loyal/Patient - Key to being a great Greek woman
- Strong mentally, can speak with strength
- Laertes
- Only person Odysseus can't lie to - Bond between Father and Son too strong - Emotion takes over.
- Emotional - Pain of losing Anticleia and possibly losing Odysseus
- Humble - Living a simple life
- Respects women - Didn't sleep with slave girl as didn't want to be unfaithful to his wife
- Telemachus
- Diplomatic/ Intelligent
- Thoughtful/Selfless - Always thinking of his parents
- Brave/ Adventurous/ Daring - 'Mini Odyssey'
- Strong relationship with Eumaeus
- Maturing/Learning to be a man - Odysseus disappointed in him
- Bitter at the start but learns to become a man/warrior
- Likened to Father - Respects elders
- Eumaeus
- Definition of loyalty
- Wheras others were corrupted he has remained strong
- Treats Telemachus as his own son
- Listens to and respects Penelope and Laertes
- Remains a good loyal swineherd/Provides food for the feasts - Loyal to his
- Keeps things running smoothly in case Odysseus returns.
- Humble/Hard working
- Good Xenia
- Definition of loyalty
- Odysseus
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