Obstacles to Newly Formed Italy
- Created by: lucy._.hart
- Created on: 04-04-21 12:55
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- Obstacles to Newly Formed Italy
- Piedmontisation
- Emilia dictated by Farina
- Tuscany resisted Piedmonti sation - own legal codes + local govt
- Rattazzi applied 'French model' of central administration without asking Lombards
- regional leaders but elected by central govt (in Turin)
- Piedmont laws, taxes, officials
- VEII became King + Cavour PM
- surprisingly Cavour wanted regional autonomy
- funded + helped unification geographically, hindered social unification
- foreign powers become defensive
- French troops protecting Rome
- Napoleon III agreed to leave Rome if given to Pope but VEII refused
- Austria protecting Venetia
- supported by foreign powers e.g. Britain
- (1866) never supported unification, obstacle for long time, weakened after A P war
- supported by foreign powers e.g. Britain
- French troops protecting Rome
- North South divide
- "we have made Italy, but we have not yet made Italians"
- language barriers
- Mount Cenis tunnel benefited North trade with France
- land not bought in South because peasants couldn't afford
- (1865 - crush Brigands war) removed short term threat but still evident in modern day
- Brigands War 91861-5)
- 120,000 Piedmont vs 80,000 Bourbon supporters
- opposition from Papacy
- 1859 - Darwin publishes Origin of Species - undermining Church + showing more enlightened people
- Mar 1861 - Cavour promised 'free Church in free state' if Pope surrendered Rome
- 1864 - Pope publishes Syllabus of Errors - Pope attacking all 'isms' + reiterated power of papacy
- 1866 - religious orders hand over property to state
- Jul 1870 - proclaims dogma of papal states, his word cannot be disputed
- 1866 - religious orders hand over property to state
- 1864 - Pope publishes Syllabus of Errors - Pope attacking all 'isms' + reiterated power of papacy
- Mar 1861 - Cavour promised 'free Church in free state' if Pope surrendered Rome
- Pope says unification illegitimate
- exommunicate VEII
- forms Catholic concordantes
- only obstacle because of France but caused N/S divide because funded Brigands war
- 1859 - Darwin publishes Origin of Species - undermining Church + showing more enlightened people
- rise of Prussia
- least threat - helped unfiication
- Piedmontisation
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