Buisness Summer Revision
- Created by: Aldam2018
- Created on: 04-09-18 17:22
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- Objectives
- Profit
- The profit of a company is there spending money within the buisness
- Profit is income - cost = profit
- Profit is free to use because the costs have already been taken away from it.
- Survival
- 8 out of 10 buisnesses fail
- Compition is a big part of survival if your rival does better than your buisness is expected to fail.
- Survival is normally the first objective to a buisness
- Growth
- Growing your buisness is key you will get no customers/ a profit without growing
- There are many ways to grow your buisness e.g advertising via tv ads
- You can also advertise by , Social media , bill boards , and being sponserd
- Providing a service
- Giving your customers a service primarily effects the buisness
- a bad service could effect the customers coming in which there for would effect the profit
- Your service depends on how your epmoylee's act if they act well and provide a good service the customer will most likely come back , But if they provide a bad service the customer will most likely not come back which there for you lose some profit.
- Market Share
- Market share can be defined by the proportion of your market you sell to e.g you could sell to target it to teens.
- You can expand your market share by selling new products or change your selling style / selling locations
- Market share depends on what you sell or how you sell it or where you sell it most of the time .
- Profit
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