AS AQA Geography- Health: Obesity
- Created by: Ruth ****
- Created on: 08-05-13 20:08
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- Obesity
- Causes
- Global shift in diet towards high energy foods that contain fats and sugars, but are low in vitamins and minerals.
- Trend towards decreased physical activity due to increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Forms of occupation, transportation and urbanisation have lead to this.
- Health consequences
- Risk of serious health risks increases as the BMI of an individual increases.
- Cardiovascular disease which already kills 17 million a year.
- Diabetes- disease of affluence.
- Some cancers such a breast cancer.
- More than 60% of adults in the USA are either overweight or obese
- China and the South Pacific have some of the lowest rates.
- Preventatives
- Reducing calorie intake and increase exercise
- Limit fat intake to unsaturated fats
- Increase consumption of fruit, vegetables, and fibre
- Giving better informed food labels, getting rid of supersized portions and diet pills
- Causes
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