Obama federalism

  • Created by: Coolgirlz
  • Created on: 08-01-21 16:42
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  • Barack Obama 2009-2016 (Federalism) By Sam
    • What was Obama care?
      • Similar to Medicare in America it requires all citizens  to purchase health insurance. The main aims of the act are to lower the number of uninsured Americans and increasing the quality and affordability of health insurance.
      • Some Key policies included:
        • Small businesses are eligible for federal subsidies to help them provide health insurance to employees
        • Insurers can't  impose limits on the total cost of treatment
        • As this was a requirement of everyone Subsidies would be  available for those people on low incomes to help them afford health insurance.
      • ACA cost the federal government $938 billion over 10 years
    • What groups objected to Obamacare and why?
      • Tea Party movement: This  is a conservative grassroots movement which aimed to oppose legislation passed by congress in 2008-2009 to prevent another financial collapse and aimed to reduce tax levels and fed. gov spending
      • The Tea party movement disagreed on the fact that those that could not afford medical insurance would have access to a federal-state Medicaid programme which would also be very expensive
      • However, if a state did not adopt Obamacare they would be stripped of all their federal grants for Medicaid . This resulted in numerous states suing as it was seen as more of a coercion and abuse of federalism principles, therefore  unconstitutional.
    • What was the impact on federalism
      • Many members of the public and republicans viewed this as the federal government intervening 'too much' and resulting in an 'end of federalism'
      • The supreme court case agreed with the argument that states wee coerced to give into Obamacare as opposed to persuaded and in turn, the case was won by the states
        • Supreme Court case: Federation of Independant Business v Sebelius (2012)
      • However, it is important to remember that although there was a large increase in the scope of power of the federal government, Obama did still allow states to pursue their own policy goals
        • Eg.  Colorado allowed to legalise cannabis for recreational use.


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