O Zitt're Nicht
- Created by: E.H13
- Created on: 10-03-18 16:44
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- O Zittre Nicht, mein lieber Sohn
- Melody
- Recetitive
- Elements of free tempo and rubato
- Not as free as a secco recitative, which only has continuo
- Syllabic
- Aria
- Begins conjunct
- High 'F' represents the Queen's anger
- Wider tessatura
- Large conjunct, melismatic passage
- Used to show off power
- High tessatura
- Uses rising sequences and triadic patterns
- Diatonic
- Ornaments
- Turns (bar 67
- Recetitive
- Structure
- Orchestral introduction
- Rising in 3rds fanfare
- Fanfare to represent the Queen
- Rising in 3rds fanfare
- Split into an accompanied recitative and an aria
- Orchestral introduction
- Tonality
- Begins in Bb major
- Modulates to G minor in aria
- Key is commonly used by Mozart to represent grief
- Modulates back to Bb major, when she decides Tamino will go save her daughter
- Texture
- Entirely melody dominated homophony
- Harmony
- Chromatisicim used to represent anguish
- At 'Ah Helft' (bar 47) there is a B dim7 chord
- Chromatic appogitura used in melody bar 76
- Bassoons and violas descend chromatically in introduction
- Begins with repeated tonic pedals
- Ends with repeated perfect cadences
- Functional harmony
- Rhythm
- Begins with syncopated repeated crotchets
- LINK to Bach 'Ein Feste Burg' which uses tied notes to drive music forward
- Anger represented in fast scalic passages
- 'Shivering' semiquavers in violins from bar 36
- Word painting
- LINK to Vaughn Williams
- Represents Pamina shivering/ shaking in fear
- Word painting
- Tremalo at the end to increase drama
- Begins with syncopated repeated crotchets
- Example of Singspiel
- Sung by a coloratura soprano
- Melody
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