Nixon and Ford's policies 1969-75

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  • Nixon and Ford's policies 1969-75
    • Failure of peace talks -
      • end of march '68 - johnson admitted he had failed in vietnam
      • elections were later than year but he declared he would not be running
      • he reduced the level of bombing in the north and called for peace talks
      • paris peace talks 1968
      • the talks got nowhere, but it was clear by summer than the US gov was looking for a way out
      • Nixon was elected in novemeber '68 and was determind to end the war
      • Kissinger - october '72 he has worked out a peace agreement with N.V
      • Kissinger was for peace, Nixon threatened N.V
    • Attacks on Cambodia ('70) and Laos ('71) -
      • communist retreating to the Ho Chi Minh trail in cambodia
      • spring 1970 - Nixon authorised a series of bombing raids in Cambodia
      • this sent shock through the US public
      • feb 1971 - S.V troops with US air support laos
        • they were defeated by the N.V army
    • Vietnamisation 1969 -
      • a US policy to end american involvement in Vietnam by developing the ARVN
      • led by Nixon
      • the ARVN would take a more direct role in seeking out the vietcong
      • 393,000 to 532,000 troops
      • the US was to provide equipment and training for the ARVN
    • Ford (president 1974-77) -
      • '75 - n.v fprced advancing on saigon, FOrd ordered the evacuation of US personal
      • 40,000 US citizens and south vieetnamese were evacuated = operation frequent wind
      • he offered 'clemency' to 'draft dogers' - they wouldn't be arrested
      • 130,000 vietnamese refugees came to the US in '75
      • ford blocked vietnams power within the UN, and refused to establish diplomatic relations
    • N.V take over -
      • 1975 - N.V forces roll into Saigon
      • the communists take over vietnam
    • 1975 - US removes all troops


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