Night of the Long Knives

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  • Night of the Long Knives
    • SA and Rohm
      • SA led by Rohm - 3mil members who only answered to Rohm - internal threat
      • Had reputation of radicals and thugs
      • Waiting for a 'further revolution' - expected Nazi regime to take up more radical approach
        • Rohm wanted SA to be incorporated into new 'Wehrmacht' - replace German Army
      • Hitler needed support of elites - 'legal revolution'
        • Hindenburg (non-Nazi) could stop all Hitler's plans by handing power of to the German Army - Hitler needed military strength for foreign policy
          • Antagonising generals would be fatal - Hitler had to remove Rohm
    • June 30th 1934
      • Alleging that Rohm was plotting a putsch - June 30th Rohm and many other leaders shot by Himmler + **
      • Purge of Nazi leaders - feared parliamentary SA had become too powerful - Hitler ordered murder of 100s who were threats to Hitler's power
      • Army generals who opposed contamination of the army with SA - impressed by efficiency that opponents had been eliminated
    • Legality
      • Enabling Act enabled massacre under guise of legality
      • Nazis justified measure as implementing necessary security measures
    • Significance of Night of the Long Knives
      • July 1st 1934 - Hitler addressing Reichstag outlining 4 Dangerous Groups e.g Communists/Bolsheviks, Former Political Party Leaders, Leftist Revolutionaries by Rohm etc
        • Hitler - 'In this hour I was responsible for the fate of the German people'
      • Major shift in the development of Hitler's dictatorship - had triumphed over Left and Right
      • Hitler had tamed the radicals and won support of the elite - some generals proposed the army an oath to tie Hitler and the army together
      • 2nd August 1934 - Death of Hindenburg
        • All soldiers now took new oath of loyalty to the Furher - army now chained to Hitler
      • July 1934 - ** was now independent from SA - under Hitler's direct and personal command
      • Hitler had gained acceptance of the legalised murder of his opponents - warning to others - many accepted Furher would only act for the good of the nation


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