Nicholas II and his relationships with the Dumas 1906-1914

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  • Nicholas II's reaction with the Dumas 1906-1914
    • The second Duma
      • This was elected in 1907
      • The Bolsheviks, Mensheviks and SRs took part in the election (they refused in the first Duma. Making it more radical
      • The Kadets lost a lot of their position in the Duma
      • Right-wing parties also gained support. They supported the Tsar and autocracy
      • There was a split within the Duma between the radicals and the conservatives
      • The Octoberists worked with Stolypin's proposed reforms.
        • These were rejected just the SRs Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
      • the Tsar closed the Duma after 3 months.
    • The Tsar and the Duma 1907
      • The first and second Dumas exposed the limits of the 1905-1906 reforms
      • The Duma exposed the authority of the true nature of the government
      • Stolypin solution to the problem was to introduce a new electoral law system.
        • created a weighted voting system.
        • The vast amount of men could vote
        • There was an over representation of the middle class and aristocracy
        • There was an under representation of the working class
    • The third and fourth Dumas
      • Election in 1907 created a conservative majority government
      • Third Duma 1907-1912 (the full 5 years)
        • Became known as Stolypin's Duma
      • The fourth Duma was as conservative as the third
      • Fourth Duma 1912-1917
      • More reforms were passed in the 3rd and 4th Duma as they were less radical
    • Nicholas and the Duma
      • Despite the 3rd and 4th Dumas conservative nature the Tsar still refused to work with them.
        • Autocracy was based on the view that the Tsar was a perfect representative of the Russian people. Duma undermined authority,
        • Duma gave Tsars opponents an opportunity to voice their concerns
        • There were reports wirrten about asoects of Tsars rule
    • The impact of the Dumas (a number of Changes improving the Russian government
      • Land Captains were replaced with justices of the peace.
      • There was a plan to establish universal primary education
      • Some health and accident insuracne programmes to help workers
      • Some improvements to armed forces
      • The successes of the Duma were a problem for the Tsar
        • They wanted a higher power in the government. Questioning the Tsars authority


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