New Religious Movements
- Created by: hannahmoore
- Created on: 04-05-15 15:43
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- New Religious Movements
- World Rejecting
- Wallis
- Sects
- Critical of society, seek radical change
- Total institution (controls members lives)
- Examples? People's Temple, Branch Davidians
- World Affirming
- Wallis
- Lack religious characteristics
- Positive about society/world
- Members looking to find self spirituality
- Examples? Transcendent Meditation, Scientology
- World Accomodating
- Wallis
- Offshoots of existing Churches
- Neither reject or accept soceity
- Concerned with religious questions
- Seek purity and committment
- Examples? Pentecostal, Subud
- Stark and Bainbridge
- Rank organisations in terms of level of tension
- Sects- high degree of tension with world
- Cults- divided into three types
- Audience cults? Form of entertainment
- Client cults? Offer services to customers to enhance life
- Cult movements? Members give up life, communal, answers to core questions
- World Rejecting
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