New Right theories of family
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- Created on: 07-01-20 21:50
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- New Right theories of Family
- Similar to Functionalism
- share the same basic view of he family as an institution which is essential for survival of society
- traditional nuclear family serving basic functions for society
- Nuclear family is declining due to the increase of other family types
- single parent family
- fatherless family
- same sex parents
- marriage decline - cohabitation
- divorce rates increasing- reconstructed family
- Reason for the decline in traditional, family
- breakdown of traditional family values
- over generous welfare payments to single mothers which allow fathers to opt out
- influence of feminism which has devalued marriage, and encouraged women to find fulfilment outside the home
- tolerance of gay and lesbian relationships
- increased sexual permissivenes
- Consequence of the fragmentation of family for society
- not performing the functions it should
- failing to provide adequate socialisation of children
- children are underachieving in education
- children are behaving in anti-social ways
- Solution to the broken family
- return to traditional family
- emphasise the importance of the nuclear family
- change government policy to redirect welfare and benefits
- Charles Murray
- the UK is developing an underclass which is associate with crime, unemployment and educational failure
- Norman Dennis & George Erdos
- children without a father are at a disadvantage. children in these families face greater risks of poverty, educational failure, crime & health prblems
- the New Right idea blames people who might already be victims
- New Right idea makes a judgement that nuclear families are the best
- the New Right idea presents and idealistic view of the family
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