New Right
- Created by: alicegrieve
- Created on: 25-02-18 15:45
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- Similar to functionalists - emphasise positive role of family
- Promote nuclear family as the 'best' family type
- Support traditional gendered roles
- Critical of single-parent families
- provide inadequate socialisation - need a male & female role model
- cost too much in welfare benefit
- Decline of nuclear family leads to social problems - educational achievement, low aspirations, anti-social behaviour, crime, dependancy culture
- Evaluation
- highlights the positive experiences of nuclear family
- groups all sinle parent famlies together & negatively stereotypes them
- many single-parent families do socialise their children effectively
- a male role model doesnt have to be a dad - in many nuclear families dad not actively involved in child's upbringing
- many nuclear families fail to socialse children properly
- feminists - have sexist views of women - emphasis on gendered family roles
- children would suffer if welfare benefits were cut
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