New Model Army
- Created by: shannonboulton
- Created on: 07-05-17 19:02
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- New Model Army
- self-denying ordinance
- Dec 1644 War Party introduced self-denying ordinance
- separated political leadership in Parliament, from military command
- Threatened the military integrity- Parliamentarian Armies due to whats desirable politically and how it might not be the best for the military
- Main reason this was introduced because political unity broke down in Parliament
- reasons for disunity-
- Military set books; Earl of Essex- becoming demoralized, so difficult to win and his army was wary.
- Began to align himself with peace party's calls, to make a settlement with the King. War party pressed for his removal
- Religious Tensions: Caused by covenant. Radical religious pamhplets
- triggered by collapse of censorship. Caused problems within the army
- fear of disorder; Social tensions- Denzil Holles. Lower class soldiers rising through ranks
- Impact of religious zeal among soldiers
- anxiety about the future
- Military set books; Earl of Essex- becoming demoralized, so difficult to win and his army was wary.
- Introduction of Ordinance
- momentum was growing fast
- self-denying ordinance
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