New Hollywood/Classic Hollywood
- Created by: wobblyrobbly
- Created on: 15-06-20 10:33
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- Classic Hollywood
- Uses of Cross-cutting between locations, like the flashbacks in Vertigo.
- Many establishing shots and master shots, very few close-ups.
- Synchronous sound: foley effects create realism.
- Dramatic store to heighten emotion.
- Linear cause and effect; time is chronological and uniform.
- Composition: characters in centre of frame, clear to spectator.
- New Hollywood
- Lots of jump cuts, lot less continuity.
- New style of camera distance, experiments with zooming, more close-ups.
- Asynchronous sound design and music.
- Explicit language/sex/violence.
- Anti-heroes - morally ambiguous.
- Anti-heroes. Bonnie and Clyde were criminals, but still the protagonists.
- Traditional values challenged.
- Critical of authority. Police being seen as the bad guys.
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