Marxist Theories - Neo-Marxism
- Created by: Victoria Prior
- Created on: 06-11-13 14:13
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- Neo-Marxism: Critical Criminology
- Taylor, Watson and Young agree with traditional marxists that..
- Capitalism is based on exploitation and inequality thr key to understand crime.
- State makes and enforces laws in the interest of capitalism and criminalises the WC.
- Taylor et al criticises marxism for being too deterministic - sees workers driven to commit crime due to economic necessity.
- Voluntarism
- Opposite of determinism - Taylor et al. takes a more voluntaristic view (free will)
- Crime is a conscious choice often with a political motive.
- E.G. To redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor (Robin Hoods)
- Criminals are deliberately struggling to change society - E.G. - MLK, Nelson Mandella used deviance to try and change society.
- A fully social theory of deviance
- A theory that would help change society for the better.
- Goal is to have classless society and social equality.
- Traditional marxist ideas about the unequal distribution of wealth and who has power to make and enforce law.
- Labelling theory's ideas about the meaning of the deviant act for the actor, societal reactions to it and the effects of the deviant label on the individual.
- Feminists criticise it for being gender blind focusing on male criminality.
- Left realists say they only neglect the impact of crime on the victim and remanticize WC criminals as being 'robin hoods' who are fighting capitalism.
- Roger Hopkins Burke - crtitical criminology is too general to explain crime and too idealistic to be useful in tackling crime.
- Taylor, Watson and Young agree with traditional marxists that..
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