Neo- Classicism in Music
- Created by: Sophie62
- Created on: 15-06-16 11:37
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- Neo- Classicism- Popular between 1914- 1945
- Melody
- Use of absolute music
- Detached
- Objective
- Lacking in emotion
- Imitation
- Sequence
- Counter melody
- Inversion
- Augmentation
- Diminution
- Antiphonal writing
- Odften deliberate wrong notes
- Use of absolute music
- Rhythm
- Ryhthmic regularity
- Harmony
- Alberti bass
- Pedal notes
- Functional harmony often used
- Cadences
- Progressions
- Bitonality sometimes a feature
- Dissonant and chromatic
- Unexpected shifts of key and harmonies
- Instrumentation
- Clear timbres
- Colurful and sometimes unconventional orchestration
- Texture
- Clear textures
- Contrapuntal and fugal techiniques
- Polyphony
- A short melody or phrase introduced in one part and taken up by others and developed by interweaving the parts
- Structure
- Use of conventional forms
- Sonata
- Symphony
- Ritornello
- Concerto
- Scherzo
- Balanced
- Use of conventional forms
- Influences
- Influenced by the Baroque and Classical eras
- Composers
- Hindemith
- Prokofiev
- Stravinsky
- Tippett
- Poulenc
- Bartok
- Melody
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