Need for coastal management
- Created by: cstewart106
- Created on: 18-12-18 22:27
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- Need for coastal protection
- Amerstand slready mostly below sea level- relies on defences
- 1m sea level rise- would flood half of Bangladesh rice fields. Millions of people would have to migrate
- 3.2 million ppl live within 200km of coast
- Coastal zones include
- Islands
- Shores and coastlines
- Salt marshes
- Wetland
- Beaches
- Climate change- predicted a rise of 48cm due to thermal expansion. Could be 90cm by end of century
- Water heats- molecules move futher apart=thermalexpansion
- Ports- Centre for trade, commerce and investmentled
- Waste assimilation and detoxification
- Fishing
- EST. 100 million tonnes fish caught per yr. 10-12% pop rely on this for income
- Tourism
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