Need for coastal protection
- Created by: Oluwatobiloba Oyebode
- Created on: 13-01-19 13:46
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- Need for coastal defences
- Population by the coast
- 3.2 million people live within 200 km of the coast
- Millions of people would have to forcefully migrate from the coast due to rise in sea level
- The islanders of Tuvalu have already made plans to leave their homeland as it is regularly being flooded
- Flooding by the sea is a growing problem.
- It threatens people's homes
- Amsterdam is already below sea level and relies on sea defence to protect it from flooding
- Source of income
- Tourism
- Flooding by the sea threatens the tourist industry
- The tourist industry is important
- It employs thousands of people in numerous coastal towns and villages
- 60% of Majorca's GNP is generated by tourism
- Fishing
- 10-12% of the population rely on fishing for income
- The income generated from fishing is vital and can be very lucrative.
- China captures the greatest tonnage of fish each year
- Tourism
- Business and Trade
- The main ports are the centres of commerce trade and investments
- Coastal areas suitable for locating a port were some of the first places to grow into important cities such as london
- Rise in sea levels
- 1 m rise in sea levels would flood half of Bangladesh's rice fields and force the migration of millions of people
- Population by the coast
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