Nazi Propaganda
- Created by: Esther McGrath
- Created on: 29-04-14 10:01
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- Nazi Propaganda
- Aims to control
- Spreading Information that influences how people think and behave- shaping peoples minds
- It only gives certain points of view- often leaves out important facts
- Nazis used powerful propaganda designed to get support of the german people
- Goebbels took charge
- 1933- founded the minisrty of public Enlightenment and propaganda
- Persuaded that nazis were right- stopped people reading/hearing that gave different message
- Method of control
- Encouraged the german people to hate countries that signed the treaty of versailles
- nazi propaganda was to unite- would make Germany strong
- Nazi took simple ideas repeated them
- used media
- nazi voice in homes ( radios)
- Posters showing evil of germanys enemies
- public rallies to spread their propaganda
- Sporting events- 1936 Berlin Olympics used to show off German wealth and power
- School textbooks were re-written to make Germans look successful
- Some priests who disagreed with the nazis got sent to concentration camps
- Modern art was banned
- Aims to control
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