Nazi methods of control


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  • Nazi methods of control.
    • propaganda
      • the Nazis used propaganda to influence a new generation whilst riling up the old one, bringing visions of a old Germany whilst modern and leading the world at the same time.
      • cinema was used as propaganda, spreading Nazi ideals and opinions, films like ''the eternal Jew'' were used to spread racist Nazi hate amoungst the German people
    • The enabling act allowed hitler in times of crisis to attain absolute control, allowing him too pass laws in times of war and emergency.
    • Secret police and services.
      • telephones could be tapped so enemies of the state could be spied on.
      • The gestapo, the secret police of Nazi germany, they tortured, executed and gathered information and kept many of the citizens of Nazi Germany in a state of paranoia
    • youth clubs
      • the hitler youth was used to indoctrinate young German males into military life and Nazi ideals, teaching them how to fire weapon and teaching them military tactics, basically military training.
      • the league of german maidens indoctrinated girls into the nazi ideals of weomen should stay at home and raise a large healthy family for german to provide workers and soldiers for the nazi government
  • the Nazis used propaganda to influence a new generation whilst riling up the old one, bringing visions of a old Germany whilst modern and leading the world at the same time.


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