Nature Vs Nurture debate
- Created by: Hannah Brearley - Bayliss
- Created on: 05-03-15 12:06
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- Nature- Nurture Debate
- Twin studies
- Shows how genetic influence behaviour.
- Schizophrenia- Gottesman and Sheilds.
- Criminal behaviour- Christiansen, Johannes Lange.
- Depression- McGuffin et al.
- Adoption studies
- Shows effects of environment Vs genes.
- Criminal behaviour- Crowe, Hutchings and Mednick.
- Schizophrenia- Heston.
- Biological parents- same genes, adoptive parents- same environment.
- Different types of environmental influence
- Inner biological- mother's physical state during pregnancy.
- Individual psychological level- mother's psychological state during pregnancy.
- Psychological environmental level- post-birth experiences.
- Sociocultural- historical level- where and when the child is born; current stage of scientific knowledge; educational and health care policies.
- MZ twins and siblings share similar environment.
- DZ twins share more similar environment- partially explains why DZ twins show higher concordance rates.
- Interaction of Heredity and environment
- Personality of child effects the way they are brought up and therefore their environment.
- MZ twins reared in different environments have different personalities.
- Constructivism- people create their own environments.
- Impossible to define an environment independently of the person.
- Contrary to behaviourist approach.
- Development of nervous system involves environment.
- Personality of child effects the way they are brought up and therefore their environment.
- Different approaches within the debate:
- Psychodynamic:
- Stressed biological nature.
- Focusses on instinctual drives of sex and aggression which are expressed within society.
- Frustration or satisfaction of needs effects personality long- term.
- Acknowledged influence of environment.
- Behaviourist:
- Environmental determinism (Skinner and Watson).
- Nurture: of paramount importance.
- Behaviour directly shaped + controlled through associative learning.
- Micro environment- home, school. Macro environments- sociocultural, political.
- Social Learning Theory:
- Stresses role of environment on behaviour.
- Little attention to biological determinants.
- Behaviour is modifiable by environmental factors.
- Environmental factors not only influence.
- Higher level cognitive processes effect behaviour.
- Considers interaction between individual and behaviour.
- Cognitive:
- Focus is on innate info processing abilities that are constantly refined by experience.
- Cognitive development are determined by nature.
- Innate schemas develop and expand through continuous interaction with external world.
- Humanistic:
- Life's main motive is the need to self-actualise.
- Humans significantly influenced by environmental variables.
- Nature and nurture have roles in determining behaviour and setting the boundaries within which one is free to develop.
- Biological:
- Continuing interaction between nature and nurture.
- Focus is on heredity, the interaction with environment is acknowledged.
- Psychodynamic:
- Twin studies
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