nature of the UK constitution
- Created by: reneesimba
- Created on: 16-03-19 15:09
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- Nature of constitution
- Parliament sovereignity
- This is the idea that parliament is supreme and ultimate authority sits with it, as representative of the people.
- No parliament can bind its successor-can repeal acts by previous governments
- Parliament is the supreme legislative body and legislation can not be changed, struck down or ignored by a judiciary
- Entrenchment
- The constitution is not entrenched, meaning that it is easily changed- by even a simple act of parliament.
- Uncodified
- Meaning it is not written down in one document
- Unitary
- Meaning all power is centralised in it. This has been changed by devolution which spreads the power.
- Rule of Law
- This is the idea that everyone, including government is subject to the law.
- Everyone is entitled to a free trial- for this to work the judiciary needs to be independent
- This is the idea that everyone, including government is subject to the law.
- Parliament sovereignity
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