Native Americans
- Created by: AbigailCC
- Created on: 21-05-19 02:20
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- Native Americans in the USA 1865-1992
- Government and Presidential policy
- The Reservation Policy ( 1871-87)
- Population of NA in 1860- 240,000 and 1900- 100,000
- End their nomadic life
- The Allotment Policy ( The Dawes Act) 1887-1934
- NA were given land and after 25 years they could own it
- The termination policy ( 1953-69)
- ended reservation system- relocate and were helped to find jobs
- The Indian Reorgnization Act / Wheeler Howard Act 1934- increased NA self government
- Indian Citizenship Act 1924: right to vote
- Meriam Report 1928: NA were the most impoversihedpeople in the USA
- The Reservation Policy ( 1871-87)
- Legal cases
- Cherokee Nation v. Hitchcok 1902 : challenged congress right to deny their rights
- Lone Wolf v. Hitchcok 1903: government were given the right to revoke all treaties with NA. " an ignorant and dependent race"
- Onedi v. Onedia and Madison Counties 1974: an increase in actions taken by tribes to regain lands
- Fisher v. Montana 1976: NA children were being taken awayi rulling was that tribal courts would handle that issue
- Economic factors
- 90% of land allocated to NAs was lost
- Role of Pressure groups
- Society of American Indians 1911- lacked funds and didnt have an agreed aim
- National Congress of American Indians 1944: exerted pressure of the gov
- Indian Claims Commission 1946- NA lands could be returned
- National Indian Youth Council 1961- unified to protest
- Red Power movement 1960s- 1970s: more millitant approach
- American Indian Movemnt (AIM) 1968
- Solidarity and unity
- Plain wars 1850s- 1870s: wars beween the NA tribes and or with Govt.
- The impact of individuals
- Richard Oaked led the seige of Alcatraz 1969
- John Collier formed the American Indian Defense Association
- Presidents : Nixon- Indian Educational Act 1972, Ford- The Indian Self determination Act 1975, The Indian Education Act 1975, Carter- The Native American Religious Freedom Act 1978 and Indian Child welfare act 1978
- Government and Presidential policy
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