Napoleon - a dictator? 1799 - 1804
- Created by: amy.octavia
- Created on: 13-04-15 15:09
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- Napoleon - Dictator? 1799 to 1804
- NO.
- Structure of government
- prevented concentration of power in one person or group.
- 3 consuls
- Serve for 10 years
- government bodies designed to check Napoleons power
- Senate, Council of State, Tribunate and Legislature
- Universal male suffrage
- 6 million voters
- Plebiscites held
- 1800: new constitution
- 1802: Napoleon as First Consul for life
- 1804: Napoleon for Emperor
- promised to maintain the French Republic
- swore to uphold Revolutionary ideas of "equality, liberty and fraternity"
- in his coronation he swore to protect laws of the Revolution
- prevented concentration of power in one person or group.
- Religious policies
- toleration of religious minorities
- paid equal salaries to clergy, protestants, pastors and Rabbi's.
- Unusual for a Dictator
- Concordat with Pope Pius VII in 1801
- Gave Pope more power than he had enjoyed since 1516
- Pope responsible for aproving any nominations made by Napoleon to the episcopate
- Napoleons way of putting down royalist revolt in Vendee, as one of their demands had been the restoration catholic worship.
- Gave Pope more power than he had enjoyed since 1516
- toleration of religious minorities
- He didn't impose his coronation on the people
- public were happy to see him crowned after his military victory
- Coronation backed up by a plebiscite in 1804
- "i did not usurp the crown, i found it in the gutter and the french people put it on my head" - Napoleon
- system was meritocratic
- prefects came from wide variety of backgrounds
- unusual for dictator
- Structure of government
- YES!!!
- Structure of government
- other consuls were only advisory
- got rid of Sieyes and Ducos through bribery
- limit of 10 years removed
- Napoleon as First consul was only person to control ministers and decide on foreign policy
- concentration of power in his hands
- organisations designed to stop him were destroyed
- senate bribed and filled with his supporters
- Council of State members chosen by Napoleon
- Tribunate purged in 1802 for criticising civil code
- Legislature intimidated and filled with his supporters
- elections were merely to provide list for Napoleon to chose from
- 6 million voters only voted for communal list who voted for departmental list, who voted for national list from which prefects and official were chosen
- power of peoples vote diminished
- 6 million voters only voted for communal list who voted for departmental list, who voted for national list from which prefects and official were chosen
- plebiscites
- not a secret ballot, sheet on a wall with yes and no and you had to write your name
- open to intimidation
- corruption,1802 some local officials never held a vote, but sent in unanimous 'yes'
- Lucien, doubled 'yes' votes in 1800 and added 500,000 yes votes for army
- not a secret ballot, sheet on a wall with yes and no and you had to write your name
- other consuls were only advisory
- religious policies
- church under control of state
- Concordat of 1801 andOrganic Articles of 1802
- clergy had to swear oath of allegiance to state
- supervisedservices
- restored church as use as 'social cement'
- church under control of state
- Revolts ruthlessly crushed
- leaders of Vendee executed
- Duc d'Enghien kidnapped and murdered for involvement in plot against Napoleon
- characteristics of Dictator
- Accession to emperor
- undemocratic principles
- title made hereditary
- upheld Devine Right of Kings
- "i myself have destroyed the Revolution" - Napoleon
- undemocratic principles
- Structure of government
- NO.
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