- Created by: Stewie Griffin
- Created on: 29-11-13 10:30
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- Globalistation- ever increasing integration of markets into 1 market
- Broken into 4 main areas
- Free trade
- Free movement of labour
- Free movement of capital
- Free interchange of technology and intellectual capital
- Causes of globalisation
- Trade in goods- production in China
- Trade in services- Japan call centres
- Trade liberalisation- less protectionism
- Multinational companies- Coca Cola
- International financial flows- Malaysia have financed growth from inward investment
- Foreign ownership of firms
- Communciations and IT - used more between countries
- Effects of globalisation
- Prices- Fall in prices due to less cost of production but rise in commidity prices due to more demand from China
- More consumer choice
- Higher incomes in developing companies
- LEDCs more employment
- Income distribution- arguements for both
- Environment harmed
- More economic dependency
- Broken into 4 main areas
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