physics P3:1
- Created by: ELM
- Created on: 08-01-15 11:06
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- physics P3:1
- hydraulics
- what is pressure? the fore created on a area.
- Calculation: P=F/A
- P= pressure F=force A= area
- liquids are incompressible!!
- bigger area =bigger force
- circularmotion
- motion in a circle = centripetal motion
- the speed is always constant
- velocity=is always changing
- acceleration is always constant
- greater force is needed if object is heavier, faster, or for a smaller radius circle
- stability/centre of mass
- resolution: the smallest division (how many d.p).
- accuracy: correct answer, true value
- precision: consistency/ repeatability.
- reliability: repeat results, mean(average)
- line of action: line down from cofm to base
- moments
- formula: FxD
- units:Nm
- see saws (equal balance)
- pendulums
- time period
- frequency: formula: F=1/t
- affects: length of pendulum and gravity
- hydraulics
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