modifying schizophrenia- CBT evaluation
- Created by: Elyseee
- Created on: 05-02-21 14:51
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- evaluating CBT
- Effectiveness
- Kuipers et al 1997 randomly allocated 60 individuals with schizophrenia to either a CBT plus medication or a medication care condition alone
- After 9 months of therapy the researchers found that 50% of the participants in the CBT and standard care condition were considered to be improved with one becoming worse compared to standard in which 31% improved and three becoming worse with one other committing suicide.
- Effectiveness
- Tarrier 2004 studied individuals with schizophrenia who received CBT either shortly after their diagnosis or standard care
- 18 months later the CBT group had the same relapse rate as those with the standard care
- However the individuals with CBT appeared to be less negatively affected by their symptoms than those in the standard care group.
- Social implications
- The National Audit of Schizophrenia 2014 revealed that across the various health trusts in Englands the offers of CBT ranged from 67% to 14% with a mean average of 50% of those diagnosed with schizophrenia being offered CBT
- Effectiveness
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