Modernity, Globalisation, Post-Modernity
- Created by: elliepeck
- Created on: 05-06-15 23:01
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- Modernity, Globalisation and Post-Modernity.
- Globalisation
- many sociologists say we are increasing affected by globalisation
- We live in one independent "global village" wherre out lives are shped by global framework
- 4 related changes have brought the glbal village about.
- 1.) technology changes
- 2.)Economic chnages
- 3.)Political changes
- 4.) Culture and identity changes
- Do we need new theories to understand todays society? Can we still use the enlightenment project to improve society?
- Post Modernism
- Post modernist say we are now living in an era of post modernity.
- Post modernist say society is unstable, fragmented & media saturated
- Says that modernity theories no longer apply as society has had a fundamental break.
- Baudrillard - there is no true 'knowledge' There is a sense of hyper-reality. Life is now so complex & surreal that it is impossible to distinguish reality from imagery.
- The media is to blame for this.
- Social class and gender no longer define us. Pick and mix identities.
- Critisisms
- The Enlightenment project!
- Late Modernity
- Giddens - we are living in a late-modern stage rather than a radical post-modern stage.
- says no we can still use knowledge taken from the Enlightenment project to improve human world!
- Giddens says there are two key features of late modernity: Reflexivity and Disembedding
- Disembedding- In today's society we no longer need face-to-face contact- Interaction has become much less personal.
- We take control over our lives and continue to try and improve things
- Beck agrees with Giddens but also says that todays late modern society is a risk society as it faces different types of dangers.
- Marxist theories of Post-modernity
- The same as Giddens and Beck
- They believe that the enlightenment project can still be used to achieve objective knowledge and improve society- working class revolutions overthrow capitalist society.
- Globalisation
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