Modernisation Theory - SCLY3
- Created by: Kizzy
- Created on: 15-05-13 11:41
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- Modernisation Theory
- Aid
- Universal Benefits for developing countries - helping societies meet the pre-conditions for take-off
- The injection of money into LEDC's helps to overcome subsistence standards of living and the lack of investment in new technologies and practices
- Overcome cultural barriers: used to establish meritocratic education system (that promote cultural change aswell as providing a skilled workforce
- Providing education systems also provides a means of utilizing the abilities of the whole population e.g. family planning & traditional patriarchal structures can be broken down
- successful - improvements in infant mortality, life expectancy, literacy levels and many nations experienced economic growth
- Globalisation
- Increased growth of TNC's and International Trade
- Global equality can happen by removing internal barriers that prevent domestic markets from being integrated into the global system - minority world should "tap in" to the economic benefits of globalisation
- The process brings closer international dialogue and provides opportunities for conflict resolution (UN) - end of war, world peace and stability
- Individuals can now assert influence to political decisions through their choices as consumers and customers
- Sprwad in democratic and human rights; ensuring that all people regardless of gender ethnicity etc recieve legal protection and rights, similar to MEDC's
- Trade
- Increasing trade in the South is a element of any strategy to improve living standards
- Injecting capital to encourage industrial-isation (key feature for economic take-off)
- Rostow argued that it was important to create a sense of competition to bring about economic development rather than using internal markets
- Bauer (New Right) argues that development can be achieved by allowing individual enterprise and the drive for personal profits to increase
- Increasing trade in the South is a element of any strategy to improve living standards
- TNC's
- Agree's with Neo-Liberal perspectives on TNC's
- Believes that the investments brought by TNC's as a means of over coming economic barriers to developement
- Imported technology, infrastructure and the wages earned by employment can help break cycles of subsistence living (pre-conditions for take off)
- Overcome cultural barriers: corporations require educated work forces - promoting education and urbanisation
- Operate similarly to western ideas of bonuses and promotions; promote values such as individuality and competition
- Poverty
- Rostow's explanation for poverty is a lack of surplus economic capital - the activities of people within the developing world are undertaken in order to ensure basic living needs
- Therefore, profit is not generated and wealth is not accumulated - cant establish the pre-condition for take-off
- Rostow's explanation for poverty is a lack of surplus economic capital - the activities of people within the developing world are undertaken in order to ensure basic living needs
- Gender & Development
- Introduction of TNC;s; workforces are more likely to given women the opportunity to work - promoting gender equality
- Four times as many women died in the Tsunami in 2004 - men were out of area working, womens efforts to help save children, too
- USA and UK have low GEP, even though they have a high GDP, HDI and GDI
- Gender inequalities are caused by internal factors because political decision making may have an effect on gender inequality e.g. allowing women to work/ vote
- Population & Development
- As countries develop, their populations will follow the same trend as developed countries
- Populations grow at a rate in which they cannot feed themselves, which explains why 925 million people are starving
- Populations grow exponentially
- Malthusian Checks: Famine, Natural Disaster and War
- Neo-Malthsuians - Aid is bad because it messes with Maltheusian Checks (Family Planning)
- Health & Development
- Development brings states of illness (epidemio-logical transition) - main cause of illness changes from being infectious disease to 'disease of affluence'
- 3 Stages: Age of Pestilence and Famine; Age of Receding Pandemics; Stage of Degenerative and Man-Made Diseases
- LEDC's should use MEDC's expertise to concentrate resources in centralised health care servies and mass immunisation programmes
- Further developed by Hackenberg (1987) who adds the hybristic stage
- Western societies have an overconfidence in the medical profession: results in self-destructive behaviors e.g. smoking
- MEDC's can help through use of aid: money, technology and traning
- Development brings states of illness (epidemio-logical transition) - main cause of illness changes from being infectious disease to 'disease of affluence'
- Barriers To Development
- Population Growth at same % as economic growth = no development as they have to invest surplus capital in combating famine rather than developing inductry
- Cannot generate profit and wealth cannot be accumulated because products people produce have to be used for basic living needs
- Cultural Barriers: Parsons argues that modernisation theory emphasises traditionalism which results less economic progress
- Rostow believes that a way to overcome these barriers to development, MEDC's must intervene and produce catalysts which would prompt and siupport development
- Catalysts for Development
- Economic: input from MEDC's is vital; providing aid (gifts and loans) from agencies such as the World Bank and IMF
- Urbanisation - free individuals from the constaints of being community-reliant
- Western aid and loans should be used to establish education systems - work force and encourage individualism and competeition
- Mass media should be established - diffusion of western values (geographical mobility, family planing, secular beliefs and democracy)
- Parsons, Inkles and Hoselitz's contributions have highlighted that development is more than economic reform
- Aid
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