Modern Public Health
- Created by: Saandy_
- Created on: 23-01-20 17:59
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- Modern Public Health
- Reports
- Booth
- Life and Labour of the People in London
- 30% of Londoners didn't have enough money to eat despite having a full time job
- Demonstrated link between poverty and high death rate
- 30% of Londoners didn't have enough money to eat despite having a full time job
- Life and Labour of the People in London
- Rowntree
- Poverty: A Study of Town Life (York)
- 28% of population did not have min. amount of money to live on at some time in their life
- Poverty: A Study of Town Life (York)
- Booth
- Boer War
- 1899- Trying to find recruits
- 40% of those who volunteered were unfit
- Govt. set up enquiry into 'Physical Deterioration of the People'
- 40% of those who volunteered were unfit
- 1899- Trying to find recruits
- Government Action
- Reports fuelled fears
- Many thought direct action was how to improve health, welfare and productivity
- Liberal Party worried about popularity of Labour Party, founded in 1900.
- Many thought direct action was how to improve health, welfare and productivity
- Reports fuelled fears
- Liberal Social Reforms
- 1906- Free school meals for poor children
- 1907- School medical service- free medical inspection later followed by free treatment
- 1908- Children and Young Person's Act- children are 'protected persons'- parents are breaking the law if they are neglected
- 1908- Old Age Pensions- national taxes
- 1909- First job centres in Britain
- 1911- National Insurance Act: Unemployment benefit, free medical treatment and sick pay
- 1909- First job centres in Britain
- 1908- Old Age Pensions- national taxes
- 1908- Children and Young Person's Act- children are 'protected persons'- parents are breaking the law if they are neglected
- 1907- School medical service- free medical inspection later followed by free treatment
- 1906- Free school meals for poor children
- World Wars
- Need for healthy soldiers showed importance of tackling poverty and poor health.
- Building of over-crowded back-to-back housing was banned
- 1918- local council had to provide health visitors for pregnant women and day nurseries
- 1919- Councils built new housing for poor people
- 1930- slum clearance programme started
- During WW2, people were shocked by the health of city children
- Beveridge Report-1942
- 5 Giants
- Disease, want, ignorance, idleness and sqaulor
- Suggested ways to improve quality of life and said government should take charge
- Disease, want, ignorance, idleness and sqaulor
- 5 Giants
- Welfare State
- NHS-1948- provided free health treatment for everyone
- Weekly family allowance helped with childcare costs
- Very poor received benefits
- By 1948, 280,000 council houses were being built per year.
- Development of NHS
- Bevan proposed the NHS
- He won doctors over by promising a salary and allowing private patient treatment too
- Over time, the cost has rocketed
- Now not completely free. Working people pay for prescriptions and dental treatment
- Over time, the cost has rocketed
- He won doctors over by promising a salary and allowing private patient treatment too
- Bevan proposed the NHS
- Healthcare into the 21st Century
- Modern drugs are very expensive and mean older people are living for longer
- Elderly usually use NHS more than young people
- Healthy eating campaigns and new laws
- People need less expensive medical care in future
- Eg. tobacco advertising was banned in 2005
- People need less expensive medical care in future
- New initiatives
- Checking for early signs of cancer
- How to spot and deal with a potential stroke victim
- 5 fruit and veg a day- make British healthier
- Technological breakthroughs and developments will continue to improve health and well-being of people
- Digital Therapy
- Patients who need at-home care or who can't travel to a doctor's surgery or hospital
- Digital Therapy
- Modern drugs are very expensive and mean older people are living for longer
- Reports
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