- Created by: ofields755
- Created on: 08-03-15 19:59
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- MNCs- Multinational Companies
- Companies that manufacture goods in more than one country
- MNC normally locate in factories in LEDCs
- How has globalisation helped development
- Creates jobs in LEDCS
- MNCs will spend money to improve social conditions and infastructure
- roads, airports, transportation and communication links
- additional revenue means that foreign investments and money are coming into the economy
- people will learn and develop new skills and a better education
- new skills, technology and specialist machinery will be brought into a poor country
- how globalisation has hindered development
- the rate of pay is much lower
- working conditions are not always good
- employees work long hours in very poor
- depth of foreign investment in minimal
- no guaranteed job security
- semi-skilled and easily replaced
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