Emotional Response in Downfall

  • Created by: Esmeelen
  • Created on: 11-04-18 13:40
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  • micro features impact on emotional response in Downfall
    • cinematography
      • Hitler's final encounter with Speer
        • framing
          • Speer framed alone after Hitler has taken a seat off-screen
            • Preparing the audience for the separation of the two characters
          • When Speer confesses he has stopped following Hitlers orders, Hitler is re-framed in a medium shot, as he turns away from Speer
            • CLOSE UP as he breaks a pencil in silent anger
              • He is defeated as he realises he has lost control - though this contrasts his earlier vocal outbursts
        • shot-types
          • First: Hitler from a distance, standing with his arms crossed in a static low-angle medium shot, framed internally by a doorway
            • Hostile
          • CLOSE UP on Hitler after Speer leaves the room showing a tear
            • This is the only time in the film we see Hitler alone
            • Creates empathy with the audience as we see the hard exterior of this 'evil' character broken to reveal someone who has emotion just like us
              • Carl Plantinga "scenes of empathy"
      • Introduction of Hitler
        • POV through Traudl's eyes
          • CLOSE UP each gesture invites the viewer to mimic and engage with the narrative
            • We align with her as a character - as we have become part of her world, we understand her excitement at seeing this god-like figure
    • mes-en-scene
      • Settings
        • Bunker
          • The bunker is largely grey, concrete and dim
            • There is an attempt of domesticity and keeping a normal way of life through Hitler and Eva having a living room in their living quarters
          • Ironic maps across strategy room
            • we understand that the war is coming to a close yet the Generals still keep maps of all the reich land
              • clinging onto a failed ideology
        • Berlin
          • We see the impact of Hitler's  'scorched earth' policies across Berlin
            • Dead body of little girl (Peter's Friend)
            • Woman with Pram wearing a gas mask
            • We understand that these horrible scenes are as a result of the Nazi's actions which prevents an audience from achieving full sympathy for them
              • Murray Smith's 'Structure of Sympathy'
      • Costuming
        • iconography - Nazi uniforms have emotional charge due to cultural perception
          • Goebbels wears a khaki uniform separating him from fellow high ranking Nazis
          • Iron Cross - pride in their allegiance to Nazi Party
            • Uniforms of Generals with the bunker are pristine - separating them from those on the front who are muddy and sweaty
              • We feel less sympathy to the well kept elites as they are not being so negatively impacted by the invasion of Berlin
                • Schenk, Haase and Peter
    • editing and sound
      • diagetic music
        • "fiddling as Rome burns"
          • Highlights the delusional nature of the Nazi's in believing their lifestyle and beliefs can survive the oncoming Soviets
            • positions the audience as more knowledgeable than the characters due to historical narrative, arguably creating empathy
      • Jump cuts between action of Berlin and calm of Bunker
        • Settings
          • Bunker
            • The bunker is largely grey, concrete and dim
              • There is an attempt of domesticity and keeping a normal way of life through Hitler and Eva having a living room in their living quarters
            • Ironic maps across strategy room
              • we understand that the war is coming to a close yet the Generals still keep maps of all the reich land
                • clinging onto a failed ideology
          • Berlin
            • We see the impact of Hitler's  'scorched earth' policies across Berlin
              • Dead body of little girl (Peter's Friend)
              • Woman with Pram wearing a gas mask
              • We understand that these horrible scenes are as a result of the Nazi's actions which prevents an audience from achieving full sympathy for them
                • Murray Smith's 'Structure of Sympathy'
      • "If my own people failed the test I could not shed a single tear"


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