- Created by: Sarah Togwell
- Created on: 21-10-13 16:50
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- Metternich
- 'System'
- Preservation of Austrian Empire
- Preservation of his position in power
- A.G.P Taylor: 'Simply a traditional conservative'
- Based on a complex philosophy
- Preservation of Austrian Empire
- Hated democracy
- "Democracy is in every case a principle of dissolution, of decomposition."
- Thought monarchy was best for men
- "brings men together"
- "unites them in compact, efficient masses"
- "makes them capable... of the highest degree of culture and civilisation."
- Maintenance of peace was directly linked with prevention of revolution in individual states
- What happened in one state was the business of the others
- The social order had to be defended against the forces of destruction
- Liberalism
- Nationalism
- Thought that revolutionary ideas would result in the destruction of the monarchy
- Was against any constitutional change- no matter how modest
- 'System'
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