AS PE OCR Skill Memory
- Created by: Sorcha
- Created on: 05-04-13 12:04
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- Memory
- Characteristics of the short term memory
- where information is perceived, judged and interpreted
- stores it for 30 seconds
- items are chunked together
- Rehearsal/ practice of information helps retention
- capacity of 5-9 items
- compares info with that stored in the LTM
- where information is perceived, judged and interpreted
- Characteristics of the long term memory
- where well learned and practiced information/ motor programmes, schema are stored
- stored information is perceived and compared to the new information which is then recognised
- information is sent back to the STM - two way process
- Duration is Permenant
- capacity is limitless
- where well learned and practiced information/ motor programmes, schema are stored
- Characteristics of the short term sensory store.
- the area of the brain which receives information from the senses
- has an unlimited capacity
- Unimportant information is lost (selective attention)
- stores it for less then 1 second
- The relevent information is passed to the short term memory
- the area of the brain which receives information from the senses
- Characteristics of the short term memory
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