Memory mindmap
- Created by: Aurora.zymberi
- Created on: 17-03-20 20:06
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- Memory
- Coding, capacity & duration
- semantic coding, capacity & duration of a lifetime
- Coding: Baddeley - word recall
- Duration: Bahrick - yearbooks
- acoustic coding, 7+- 2 items, 18-30 secs
- Coding: Baddeley - word recall
- Capacity: Jacobs - digit span test
- Duration: Peterson & Peterson - trigrams
- Multi-Store Model (MSM)
- represents how memory works in STM + LTM
- Tulving's 3 types of LTM
- Episodic: time-stamped events
- Semantic: knowledge of world
- Procedural: actions/skills
- Working Memory Model (WMM)
- central executive: allocates tasks to sub-systems
- phonological loop: processes auditory info
- visui-spatial sketchpad
- episodifc buffer: brings all into single memory
- explanations for forgetting
- interference
- When two pieces of information conflict, resulting in forgetting of one or both, or distortion of memory [LTM]
- McGeoch & McDonald - effects of similarity
- retrieval failure
- occurs when we don't have the necessary cues to access memory. it's available, but not accessible unless a cue is provided.
- Tulving's ESP
- anti-histamine & deep sea divers
- interference
- Factors affecting eyewitness testimony
- misleading info
- leading questions
- loftus & palmer
- post-event discussion
- Gabbert - crime video
- leading questions
- anxiety
- negative effect on recall
- weapons - waiting room
- positive effect on recall
- fight-or-flight: shooting in gun shop
- negative effect on recall
- misleading info
- improving EWT accuracy
- cognitive interview
- Reinstate the context Reverse the order Report everything Change perspective
- cognitive interview
- Coding, capacity & duration
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