Memory Mindmap
- Created by: maggiejune
- Created on: 17-01-18 17:09
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- Memory
- Encoding, capacity and duration
- Coding research: similar sounding words harder to remember
- Capacity research: 4 digits, then 5, ect, shows 7+-2
- Duration research: Peterson and Peterson trigram study
- Multi-store Memory Model
- Sensory
- Attention for STM, rehearsal for LTM.
- Sensory
- Working Memory Model
- Central executive: the controller
- Phonological Loop: phonological store and articulatory loop
- Episodic buffer: place for storing info
- Visio-spatial sketch pad: visual catche and inner scribe
- Central executive: the controller
- Types of LTM
- Episodic memory = events from your life
- Semantic memory = general knowledge
- Procedural memory = actions
- Forgetting: Inference
- Proactive Interference: when an older memory interferes with a new one
- Retroactive Interference: when a newer memory interferes with an old one
- Study showed that it was harder to recall when the words were similar
- EWT: Retrieval Failure
- ESP: if a cue is at coding and retrieval then recall is more simple
- Context dependent: Godden and Baddley deep sea divers
- State dependent: learn/recall on drug, worse if different
- EWT: Misleading Info
- Leading Questions car accident study, HSBCC
- Post event discussion, when could discuss led to inaccuracy
- EWT: Anxiety
- Negative effect: holding knife or chicken
- Postive effect: real life shooting
- The Yerkes-Dodson Law
- Cognitive Interview
- 4. Change perspective
- 3. Reverse the order
- 2. Reinstate context
- 1. Report everything
- 2. Reinstate context
- 3. Reverse the order
- 4. Change perspective
- Encoding, capacity and duration
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