- Created by: Eilish Horan
- Created on: 08-05-13 18:47
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- Meiosis
- Before meiosis begins
- each chromosome exists as 2 identical chromatids
- attached to their centromere
- each chromosome exists as 2 identical chromatids
- First meiotic division
- 1.chromosomes align in homologous pairs
- Chiasmata = the crossing over point of the 2 identical chromosomes
- 2. the homologous pairs lines up on the equator of cell
- Equal lengths of chrmoatids from same homologous pairs cut off and cross over
- 3. H.P. align randomly on equator of cell
- 4. H.P. seperate
- 5. cell divides to form 2 new cells
- each with haploid set of chromosomes
- 6. cell division complete
- 1.chromosomes align in homologous pairs
- Second meiotic division
- 1. Chromosomes in each cell align on equator randomly
- 2. chromatids in each cell are separated
- Chromatids pulled to opposite poles of cell.
- 3. cells divide
- cell division complete= gives 4 cells with haploid number
- Before meiosis begins
- H.P. = Homologous Pairs
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