- Created by: Julia Moulton
- Created on: 26-03-13 19:40
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- Meiosis
- Sexual Reproduction
- Produces 4 daughter cells
- Produces cells containing half the number of chromosomes
- Produces genetically different cells
- Meiosis 1
- Homologous chromosomes pair up and chromatids wrap around each other
- By the end of the stage, the homologous pairs have separated, with one chromosome from each pair going into one of the 2 daughter cells
- Homologous chromosomes pair up and chromatids wrap around each other
- Meiosis 2
- Chromatids move apart
- 4 cells have been formed
- In Humans each of these contain 23 chromosomes
- Independent Segregation
- In Meiosis 1, chromosomes line up alongside its homologous partner and it does this RANDOMLY
- The combination of chromosomes that go into the daughter cell is random
- Genetic recombination by Crossing Over
- Chromatids twist around one another creating tensions and portions of chromatids may break off
- Broken portions rejoin chromatids of its homologous partner
- New genetic combination produced
- Chromatids twist around one another creating tensions and portions of chromatids may break off
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