Meiji transformed notes: Japan extended intro
- Created by: MosesKucera
- Created on: 19-10-20 17:34
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- Meiji
- Europe vs Japan
- Feudalism
- Japanese Feudalism:
- 1.-Emperor/Shogun
- 2.-Daimyo
- 3.-Samurai
- 4.-Peasants & Artisans
- 5.-Merchants
- European Feudalism
- 1.-King
- 2.-Lords
- 3.-Knights
- 4.-Peasants
- Japanese Feudalism:
- Warriors
- Japanese Warriors:
- Swear loyalty to Daimyo
- Expected to live disciplined and honorable lives
- Admired by Society
- Heroic Stories & songs written about them in battle
- Follow code of Bushido
- European Warriors:
- Swear loyalty to their lords
- Expected to live disciplined & honorable lives
- Follow code of chivalry
- Admired by society
- Heroic stories & songs written about them in battle
- Japanese Warriors:
- Feudalism
- Samurai House Rules
- I.-Believe in Buddha & the gods.
- VII.-Do your hair as soon as you rise. You must not be seen in an ungroomed state by others.
- XII.-If you have a little leisure, reed books. You should not let people see you read. You must always practice writting.
- XV.-In off-duty hours, you must practice writing.
- XXI.-"Practice the arts of peace on the left hand, & the arts of war on the right." Mastery of both is required
- Meiji Restoration
- Governmental reforms
- Japan's new legislate (2 braches of representatives, House of peers-coequal powers)
- First convened in 1889
- Meiji (imperial) constitution
- Adopted in 1890
- Followd until end of WWII
- Japan's new legislate (2 braches of representatives, House of peers-coequal powers)
- Economic Reforms
- Abolition of Feudlism
- Yen adopted in 1872
- Encouragment of Foreign Trade
- Expansion of Industrialization
- Growth of factories
- Fist large factories manufactured textiles
- Growth of factories
- Land reforms in 1873
- Ptivatization of land
- Equitable taxation system
- Zaibatsu built & expanded
- Large family
- controlled banking and industrial conglomerates
- Military reforms
- Modern army and navy established
- Loyal to Japanese government
- Used Germany as primary model
- Conscription in 1873
- All men had to serve for three years after turning 21
- Belief that Japan had to compete militarily
- Modern army and navy established
- Social Reforms
- Universal Compulsory Elementary Education
- Universities Established
- Westernization of many laws
- Governmental reforms
- Meiji Japan at war
- First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895)
- Gained Taiwan
- Gained Manchuria
- Established sphere of influence in korea
- Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
- Destruction of Russian fleet
- Started to be seen as a world power
- Treaty of Portsmouth
- Japan was granted part of Sakhalin
- Island and influence in Manchuria
- Annexation of Korea (1910)
- Joined Allies
- Recieved Germanie's mandates over Asian Islands & its leases in the Shantung Peninsula
- First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895)
- Europe vs Japan
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