Medicine in Roman Britain
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- Created by: Lydia
- Created on: 26-11-14 09:19
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- Medicine in Roman Britain
- Public Health
- Public health was very important to the Romans as they needed to keep their army healthy.
- They had aqueduct, public latrines, and bath- houses.
- Hospitals
- Roman forts had hospitals but they were only for soldiers and were very small
- There were no hospitals for the sick
- Ideas about causes of disease
- Some people thought that God sent diseases
- Wealthier and more educated people believed in the four humors
- Treatments
- Everyday people would go to their mothers or wives for herbal remidies
- Wealthier people would go to doctors to be bled or purged
- In a rich family, fathers would look up treatments in a medical book
- Training of doctors
- Methods of staying healthy
- Light diet, gentle exercise and rest was recommended by Galen and Hippocrates
- People were expected to bathe in the Roman bath houses
- Public Health
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