Medicine in Britain Revision Mindmap
- Created by: Gaynor
- Created on: 17-03-18 13:47
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- Medicine in Britain
- Medieval Medicine 1250-1500
- Key Events
- 1123 - Britain's first hospital was set up in London
- 1348-49 - The Black Death killed 1/3 of the population
- 1388 - Parliament passes the first law requiring streets and rivers to be kept clean by the people
- Key Concepts
- The Church - daily life was dominated by the church and many people feared God
- The Four Humours - Hippocrates stated that the Four Humours were Black Bile, Yellow Bile, Blood and Phlegm. If they became unbalanced then you became ill.
- Key Events
- Medical Renaissance 1500 - 1700
- Key Concepts
- The King - people still believed that if you touched the King you would be healed
- Evidence - More people were willing to experiment like dissecting bodies
- Key Events
- 1543 - Vesalius published his work on how the human body worked
- 1565 - The first dissection was carried out
- 1665 - The first meeting of the Royal Society
- 1628 - William Harvey published his work on the circulatory system
- 1665 - The Great Plague killed 75000 people in London
- Key Concepts
- 18th and 19th Century
- Key Events
- 1861 - Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory published
- 1867 - Joseph Lister used antiseptic to prevent infection
- 1798 - Edward Jenner developed the Smallpox vaccine
- 1847 - James Simpson developed chloroform as an anaesthetic
- 1854 - John Snow' maps proved the source of Cholera
- 1875 - Public Health Act sorted the sewers and water
- 1882 - Robert Koch identified that bacteria caused certain diseases
- Key Concepts
- Nursing - kept hospitals clean and cared for patients
- Breakthrough - scientific discoveries changed the way people thought about disease
- Public Health - The Government started to take measures to prevent disease after the Germ Theory
- Key Events
- Modern Medicine 1900 - Present
- Key Events
- 1928 - Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin
- 1911 - National Insurance Bill gave help if workers were sick or unemployed
- 1914-1918 - WW1 leads to developments in treatment and surgery
- 1938 - Florey and Chain develop the use of Penicillin
- 1948 - The NHS is founded
- 1953 - Crick and Watson discovered the structure of DNA
- Key Concepts
- War - WW1 and WW2 forced developments in treatments like plastic surgery and the use of antibiotics
- Technology - improvements in technology improved understanding and the treatment of disease like X-rays, DNA, dialysis and keyhole surgery
- NHS - This offered free healthcare to everyone after WW2
- Key Events
- Medieval Medicine 1250-1500