AQA Psychology - Media
- Created by: Emma
- Created on: 30-04-14 14:49
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- Media
- Media influences on anti-social behaviour
- Situational Effects
- Cognitive Priming
- Bushman (1995)
- Arousal
- Sponsor Effects
- Joy et al
- Cognitive Priming
- Socialisation Effects
- Social Learning Theory
- Bandura et al
- Cultivation Effect
- Desensitisation
- Social Learning Theory
- Situational Effects
- Media influences on pro-social behaviour
- Situational Effects
- Cognitive Priming
- Holloway et al
- Arousal
- Sponsor Effects
- Cognitive Priming
- Socialisation Effects
- Social Learning Theory
- Noble (1983)
- Situational Effects
- Positive and Negative effects of video games
- Positive
- Gee (2003)
- problem solving, creativity, control, learning from mistakes, encourages independant thinking, perseverance
- Kestenbaum & Weinstein
- problem solving, creativity, control, learning from mistakes, encourages independant thinking, perseverance
- Gee (2003)
- Negative
- Impulsiveness, aggression, physical and verbal aggression, addiction
- Matthews (2006)
- Silvern and Williamson (1987)
- Impulsiveness, aggression, physical and verbal aggression, addiction
- Positive
- Hovland-Yale Model of Persuastion
- The communicator
- Baron and Byrne
- The Message
- McGuire
- The Channel
- Audience
- Wood and Stagner
- The communicator
- Elaboration Likelihood Model
- Central Route
- Peripheral Route
- Vidrine
- Central Route
- Vidrine
- Explanations for celebrity stalking
- Attachment Theory
- Kienlen
- McCutcheon
- Absorption-Addiction Hypothesis
- Attachment Theory
- Explanations of TV's effectiveness of persuasion
- Hypodermic Effect
- Two Step Flow
- Uses and Gratification Theory
- Social Psychological explanation of celebrity
- Popularity Explanation
- Mere exposure effect
- Zajonc
- Debacker
- Mere exposure effect
- Personality Theory
- Simonton
- Outsider Theory Of Celebrity
- Simonton
- Popularity Explanation
- Evolutionary explanations of Celebrity
- Gossip Theory
- Dunbaar (1997)
- Barkow (1992)
- Reproductive Strategies
- Gossip Theory
- Factors influencing celebrity worship
- Age, education, gender, exposure, personality, beliefs, mental health
- Media influences on anti-social behaviour
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