Medea - Theme Quotes.
Mindmap of quotes organised within important and vital themes.
- Created by: Grace
- Created on: 15-04-13 13:20
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- Medea By Euripides Quotes!
- Passion and Rage
- Nurse: "her world has turned to enmity and wounds her where her affection's deepest."
- "Go, my sons, into the halls of wealth; down on your knees and beg her - this new wife of your father's"
- Nurse: "My mistress, Medea, then would never have... been struck to the heart with love of Jason."
- Medea: "Love, did you say? It is a mighty curse."
- Jason: "Dearest children! Medea: "Dear to their mother." Jason: "And so she slew them." Medea: "To get at your heart." Jason: You did! You did! How i long to press my little children's lips to mine."
- Revenge
- Nurse: "[Medea] hates her sons; I dread to think of what she is hatching in her mind."
- Jason: "But Medea, what is this - these dewy eyes, these tears" Medea: "It is nothing. I was just thinking of our sons."
- Medea: "Oh what misery! Cursed sons, and a mother for cursing! Death take you all - you and your father"
- Nurse: "Why make the sons share in their father's guilt?"
- Jason: "Anything you or the children want in exile, let me know; I'll gladly furnish it" Medea: "The presents of the wicked are pure poison"
- Leader: "But, my lady, to kill your own two sons..." Medea: "It's the supreme way to hurt my husband"
- Jason: "murder is punished, and you'll be destroyed by the avenging phantoms of your children."
- Nurse: "[Medea] hates her sons; I dread to think of what she is hatching in her mind."
- Greatness and Pride
- "Jason has betrayed... my mistress, for a royal bed, for alliance with the king of Corinth.
- Jason: "I wanted above all to let us live in comfort, not to be poor"
- Tutor: "The father does not love his sons, but - his new wedding bed."
- Position of Women
- nurse: "[Medea] was in everything Jason's perfect foil, being in marriage that's a saving thing, When a wife obediently accepts her husband's will.
- Medea: "Will any man afford me home in a country safe for living?"
- Medea: "Of all creatures that can feel and think, we women are the worst treated things alive."
- Medea: "Divorce is a disgrace (at least for women), to repudiate a man, not possible."
- Medea: "we bid the highest price in dowries just to buy some men to be the dictator of our bodies... how that compounds the wrong."
- nurse: "[Medea] was in everything Jason's perfect foil, being in marriage that's a saving thing, When a wife obediently accepts her husband's will.
- The other
- Nurse: "Ah, she [Medea] has merited this city's good opinion, exile though she came."
- Nurse: "Yes, now [Medea] knows at a terrible first-hand what it is to miss one's native land."
- Medea: "I agree of course, that a foreigner should confom, adapt to this society"
- Jason: "you [Medea] have a home in Hellas, instead of some barbarian land. You have known justice."
- Exile
- Nurse: "...her father whom she loved and her country and the home she sacraficed
- Creon: "Go Medea. Remove yourself. Get packing from this land... it is reported that you threaten me... and of course the bride and groom."
- Medea: "Well I suppose they are dead: will any city take me in, and shield me from reprisals?"
- Medea: "I have no father, home, defence from danger. Oh, the mistake I made when I left this house."
- Jason: "I should like you to remain. But you, Madam, obstinate in folly, have continuously reviled our royalty, and so you are banished"
- Jason: "When I came here from the land of Iolcus, I wrecked a fugitive."
- Nurse: "...her father whom she loved and her country and the home she sacraficed
- Cleverness
- Creon: "You [Medea] are a woman of some knowledge, versed in many an unsavory skill."
- Manipulation
- Cleverness
- Creon: "You [Medea] are a woman of some knowledge, versed in many an unsavory skill."
- Medea: "In point of fact, my knowledge does not amount to much."
- Medea: "How can i unfold to you [Chorus] my whole design: there is nothing sweet in it, as you will see."
- Cleverness
- Passion and Rage
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