Measuring Crime
- Created by: Kiwi_Universe
- Created on: 27-09-17 18:50
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- Measuring Crime
- 3 types of measuring crime
- Official Crime statistics
- British Crime Survey + Police recorded crime.
- Victim Survey
- Survey which asks the population to report crimes that they have fell victims of.
- Self Reported Survey
- People who have committed a crime would confess even thought they have not been caught
- Official Crime statistics
- Definiton of Crime and Deviance
- Michel Foucault wrote that the definition of deviant has changed over time
- 100 years ago it was deviant for females to wear trousers but that is now accepted
- Plummer (1979) said that deviant acts can be accepted in certain situations
- Being naked is not accepted in public but is accepted in the home
- Michel Foucault wrote that the definition of deviant has changed over time
- Measuring crime helps make laws and social norms which creates social order and a social consensus
- 3 types of measuring crime
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