- Created by: Laurenlauritzen
- Created on: 31-01-15 20:04
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- MCMXIV (1914)
- Overview: Lose of innocence, not judgemental, cynical. Mournful, nostalgic, regretful.
- Unhappiness of realising a way of life will end.
- Themes: Time and its passing, Memories, place, death.
- Links Arundel tomb.
- Title: immortalised, historically distant, distant, unfamiliar.
- Larkin knows people were innocent maybe he wanted to live in the time, things were simpler, better life.
- Last Stanza: irrevocability of war, war changed things. Men die and not come back.
- 'Without a word'= changing without realising, Going to be history in 4 years.
- 3rd Stanza (first 4 lines)= removed from whats going on, countryside doing what countryside does. Passing of time.
- In a way England remained the same.
- 'Differently dressed servants'= rigid class structure broke down after ww1.
- 'With tiny rooms in huge house'= no homes like this now, Change
- 1st and 2nd stanza: bombarded with images 2nd stanza visual.
- 'Grinning'= didn't know the realities of war, full of ideas of victory.
- 'Standing as patiently'= calm, wanted to be there.
- 'Moustached archaic faces'= old fashioned, times change fast, might aswell be centuries ago coz of their beliefs.
- Overview: Lose of innocence, not judgemental, cynical. Mournful, nostalgic, regretful.
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