McGrath - Behavioural Treatment
- Created by: Danna.Wright
- Created on: 21-04-15 19:14
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- McGrath (Behavioural Treatment)
- to treat a girl with specific noise phobia using systematic desensitisation
- systematic desensitisation - done by forming a hierarchy of fear, involving conditioned stimulus, ranked from least fearful to most fearful. works way up starting at least unpleasant and then relaxing technique
- case study of 9 year old girl
- lower than average IQ and psychometric tests showed she was not depressed, anxious or generally fearful
- parents consented
- constructed fear hierarchy then taught breathing and imagery to relax
- rated fear levels on a thermometer from 1-10
- end of 4th session she could signal a balloon to be popped 10m away with only mild anxiety
- end of 5th session she could pop balloons herself
- party poppers and cap guns were then introduced
- end of 10th session her fear levels had decreased for all three stimuli
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