Miss Maudie - TKAM
- Created by: Lottie Deutsch
- Created on: 22-12-17 12:36
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- Miss Maudie
- not concerned about femininity
- Miss Maudie where's men's dungarees and works in a garden all day
- she how she is not afraid to differentiate from Maycomb society
- in her Scout finds a kindred spirit as Miss Maudie accepts Scout for who she is
- Scout calls miss Maudie 'the finest lady I ever met'
- this represents how you don't have to where dress and have boarding school manners to be a lady
- Scout wants to grow up to be Miss Maudie
- Scout calls miss Maudie 'the finest lady I ever met'
- Miss Maudie where's men's dungarees and works in a garden all day
- old friend of Atticus and treats the children similarly to him
- Maudie treats the children like adults she like Atticus
- they grew up together meaning the may have similar beliefs
- when Scout asks about 'foot-washing Baptists' Maudie gives her a short, concise answer
- 'foot-washing baptists think anything enjoyable is a sin'
- this helps Scout understand why Boo was so harshly punished by his father (who was a baptist)
- it also acts a guide to the reader who may but confused
- 'foot-washing baptists think anything enjoyable is a sin'
- when Scout asks about 'foot-washing Baptists' Maudie gives her a short, concise answer
- they grew up together meaning the may have similar beliefs
- Maudie treats the children like adults she like Atticus
- quietly judges Maycomb
- Miss Maudie quietly protests about the beliefs of the people of Maycomb about blacks and women
- Stephanie... told me once she woke up... and found him looking in the window at her. I said what did you do, Stephanie, move over in the bed and make room for him? That shut her up a while.
- at times Maudie uses here humour to deflect bad situations
- by saying this to Stephanie, who normally has people in awe of her gossip shows her strong-willed she is
- it also demonstrates the absurdity of some of the rumours surrounding Boo
- 'The handful of people in this town who say that fair play is not marked White Only... there...I am'
- shows how small a portion of the town believes in equality
- the fact that 'White Only' is capitalised suggests it is an order on a sign and just something that is expected such as employees only
- 'White Only' is normal in Maycomb
- Stephanie... told me once she woke up... and found him looking in the window at her. I said what did you do, Stephanie, move over in the bed and make room for him? That shut her up a while.
- Miss Maudie quietly protests about the beliefs of the people of Maycomb about blacks and women
- not concerned about femininity
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