Mass culture
- Created by: kaatelynnnnxx
- Created on: 14-04-19 09:29
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- Mass culture
- The development of the mass media was debasing the culture of ordinary people, creating problems and dangers in Western societies.
- Mass culture is designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
- Problems of mass culture (Macdonald 1957)
- People found mass culture easier to understand as it took less mental effort. It thus tended to undermine high culture.
- The triumph of mass culture would lead to increased alienation among those who created cultural products.
- Mass culture was undermining the fabric of society. It was creating a mass society, in which individuals were atomised.
- A critique of mass culture theory (Strinati, 1995)
- Mass culture theory is very elitist as it makes the assumption that the masses are 'cultural dopes'
- Mass culture theory sees all popular culture as homogeneous - it is all the same.
- Cultural Politics (Strinati)
- Mass culture threatens the hierarchy of taste by giving everybody the chance to choose what they think are the best books films, music, paintings or images and so on.
- The development of the mass media was debasing the culture of ordinary people, creating problems and dangers in Western societies.
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