Mary's Religious Policy 1553-1558
- Created by: Katie
- Created on: 20-05-13 12:20
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- Mary's Religious Policy 1553-1558
- Policy
- Around 280 protestants burnt
- Cranmer
- Hooper
- Ridley
- Latimer
- Resulted in 800 Marian exiles fleeing to Europe
- Spread Protestant word
- 1554 Second Act of repeal
- Change the church back to how it was in 1529
- 1555 re-introduced heresy laws
- Could not speak out against the church
- 1554 Royal injunctions
- Restored Holy Days
- Removed married clergy (25%)
- 1555 Bonner's book of Homilies
- Pole created London Synod
- Untitled
- Around 280 protestants burnt
- Successes
- Restored papal supremacy
- & taxes
- Was able to repeal Edward and Henry's reforms
- 1557 minor religious houses restored
- About £60,000 worth of land returned to the church
- Pole
- Set up educational seminaries and cathedral schools
- Wrote the 12 Decrees in 1556
- Successful eradication of many protestants
- Higher clergy fully supportive
- Restored papal supremacy
- Failures
- Restoration of the monasteries
- Lack of support due to nobles gaining from the dissolution
- Cranmer was created a martyr as figurehead of protestant reformation
- Bad image due to helpless people burned
- Women & children
- Wyatt's rebellion
- Marian exiles only made protestantism stronger
- Elizabeth was able to restore prot. within 2 years
- Restoration of the monasteries
- Foreign influence
- Philip II
- Connections with the pope
- Assisted with image for recatholicisation
- Gave advice for navy and Council
- Philip II
- Why she failed?
- Not enough time - early death
- Made protestants into martyrs rather than 'cleansing' the population
- Slow pace, partly due to monastic lands
- Xenophobic feeling in England toward Philip
- Anti-Papal feelings
- Not enough propaganda
- Didn't aim her policies at common people
- Divided leadership
- Pole & Gardiner
- Philip II & Renard
- Pole & Gardiner
- Reformers in Government still
- Policy